Too white

A little more then a year ago when we moved into our house I was really set on painting the walls on our ground floor white and never considered any options. Since then I have regretted being so narrow-minded, why didn't I wonder over to the grey colours in the paintstore?


I wish I had as a lightgrey does wonders for a room and really makes white trimmings and furniture stand out more against it. It would have to be very carefully selected as the shade of grey tends to change dramatically in different lightings and I wouldn't want to end up with a purple room.

The white walls that I have today are a classic and of course okay but I wished that I would have gone with the warmth of a grey color instead. My supportive husband has given me an OK to go ahead and repaint, but then again he givs me a go ahead on all my suggested projects, I think mainly because he know that I am the cheap one and will hold of on any big expenses (c:


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